That a file containing just
abc saved as UTF-8 without BOM is loaded as ASCII/ANSI file is not a bug.
A UTF-8 encoded file must have either a UTF-8 BOM or a character with a code value greater decimal 127 (within the first 64 KB on using UltraEdit for Windows < v24.10 or UEStudio < v17.10) which is encoded in UTF-8. A text file encoded in UTF-8 containing no BOM and also no character with a code value greater decimal 127 is binary equal to an ASCII file containing same text. So no editor can determine that this file should be interpreted as UTF-8 encoded.
This is one reason why HTML and XHTML file encoded in UTF-8 must contain in header a character set declaration to indicate for applications loading the file the used encoding. And XML files encoded in UTF-8 must contain in header (first line) also appropriate encoding declaration.
It is very important for all applications loading text files that they can determine as soon as possible the used encoding especially for UTF-8 encoded files where often just a few characters are different in comparison to an ASCII/ANSI file as it makes a huge difference if the text is a single byte encoded text or a Unicode encoded text. Unicode encoded text requires internally in all applications a completely different character management then single byte encoded text, or if the application uses internally only Unicode text, it must know how to convert the bytes in the text file correct to Unicode characters on load. See power tip
Unicode text and Unicode files in UltraEdit/UEStudio.
There is a special setting to load also files containing only ASCII characters as UTF-8 encoded file even with NO BOM, no UTF-8 encoded character within the first 64 KB on using UltraEdit for Windows < v24.10 or UEStudio < v17.10, and no
charset or
encoding declaration, see
UTF-8 not recognized, largish file or
Using UTF-8 with UltraEdit. But be aware on using this setting that opening a file which is an ANSI file containing characters with a code value greater decimal 127 single byte encoded without using
File - Open with option
Open as ASCII results in corrupting the ANSI file on save for those ANSI characters.
In case you don't know the difference between ASCII and ANSI: ASCII defines only the characters with code value 0 to 127. The various ANSI standards define the characters with code value 0 to 255.