Adorned font garbling in syntax highlighting...

Adorned font garbling in syntax highlighting...

Power UserPower User

    May 31, 2007#1

    This one is a doozy!

    Supposing you have two windows both with syntax highlighting BUT of two different types of files AND with different font families defined AND additional adornment on the syntax highlighting...

    When you switch windows, the adorned font from the previous window replaces the adorned font from the current window! You can reset the font in the current window using View |Set Font (just press [OK] to restore the font). Then, when you switch to the second window, the font from the previous window will replace the adorned font in the new window...

    It looks like a misplaced pointer on switch-over...

    It's taken me 6 weeks to get to the bottom of this - it was driving me nuts!

    In the current project, I'm working on, we commonly have up to 5 different types of files, each of which has syntax highlighting turned on...

    Hope this helps maintain someone's sanity! I've reported it to IDM and I hope a fix is coming soon...


      Jun 05, 2007#2

      IDM have, at last, confirmed the bug... As I said in the first post, it's a doozy and takes a while to isolate.


        Jun 08, 2007#3

        Hi ALL,

        UE 13 RC1 appears to have fixed the bug I noted above. Now I'm keen to make use of this newly working functionality.

        However to make it work I need a selection of fixed pitch fonts... Can any one suggest any (other than Courier New and Dina)?

        There is no such thing as an inconsistently correct system...
        Therefore, aim for consistency; in the expectation of reaching correctness!