
EasyLanguage word file

EasyLanguage word file


    Apr 12, 2010#1

    Slogging here, a beginner.

    I have created a word file for EasyLanguage, this is a Language used for trading in the financial markets. It has its own unique Syntax Highlighting as most do.

    After creating the word file, saving it to the correct location, then closing the UE application, the syntax highlighting will not be as set, nor will the menu View As "Highlighted File Type" show the language.

    I have made every effort to understand and better learn how to use the tool UltraEdit. It is a vary useful and valuable resource for me.

    But after 3 months of working with it and reading on it I'm still missing a basic function. That is how do I get my files to correctly Highlight each time I start the application. The word file is there and good to go, but at each start up I have to re-configure the syntax highlighting.

    Normal Text = Black
    Comments = Green
    Alternate Block Comments = Teal
    strings = teal
    Numbers = Black
    Function = Purple
    Variables = Blue
    attributes = Green

    Could some one please help me?

    Thank You!

    Wrong defined word file removed by Mofi from this post

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Apr 13, 2010#2

      It would be interesting which template and information you have used to create your wordfile, obviously not the UltraEdit help page "Syntax Highlighting", also not the Template for Language File and also no other wordfile.

      However, it was no problem for me to find the errors you have made and correct them. Then I executed my 3 syntax checking macros as posted at The ultimate syntax highlighting tools and the output is the wordfile attached to this post in the ZIP archive. That wordfile should work now.
      EasyLanguage.zip (6.07 KiB)   244
      This ZIP file contains the fixed wordfile for EasyLanguage.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Apr 13, 2010#3

        Thank you Mofi

        I started off with a CSS template, and yes I did read and study your template this is my first endeavor at learning higher languages it is a difficult task but one worth doing, I continue to read and re read the documentation.
        I was working with / Insert / template \ Advanced / Display / Modify Templates \ and "Edit Project File" to day in an effort find a solution.
        Obviously I don't know what I'm doing but will continue down the Path of learning.

        Thank You again, I have been working since 7 am on this and was getting no where.

        You got me going Mofi, thank you :)
