
How to syntax highlight in assembler hexadecimal and binary numbers?

How to syntax highlight in assembler hexadecimal and binary numbers?


    Nov 18, 2015#1

    Hi all,

    I am working in assembly language and I am trying to highlight numbers in hex or binary using $ and % as the number identifiers. I haven't been able to figure out how to do this. Has anyone used this type of hex notation in their syntax highlighting?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 18, 2015#2

      First, I suggest having $ and % in list of word delimiters, i.e. on line starting with /Delimiters =

      Second, add to your syntax highlighting wordfile:

      Code: Select all

      /C7"Hexadecimal numbers"
      ** $
      /C8"Binary numbers"
      ** %
      Use color group numbers not already used for those 2 sub string definitions, see also help page Syntax Highlighting in help of UltraEdit.

      With those definitions all strings starting with (delimiter) character $ are highlighted with settings defined for color group 7 with name Hexadecimal numbers and all strings starting with (delimiter) character % with color group 8 with name Binary numbers.

      Of course you can use also

      Code: Select all

      /C7"Hex/binary numbers"
      ** $ %
      in case of numbers in hexadecimal or binary should be highlighted with same color.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Nov 19, 2015#3

        That works exactly how I need it to. Thank you. :)