
.CMD (Windows Command Line) files are not well colored with dosbatcmd.uew

.CMD (Windows Command Line) files are not well colored with dosbatcmd.uew


    Sep 16, 2014#1

    I have a problem on using the wordfile dosbatcmd.uew. If keywords are at beginning of lines, syntax highlighting works. But the keywords are not displayed colored if there is a horizontal tab at beginning of the line.
    Can anybody help me?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Sep 16, 2014#2

      There are six user-contributed syntax highlighting wordfiles for batch files referenced from Wordfiles page:
      • Batch - batch.uew
      • Batch (DOS command line) - dos.uew
      • Batch (DOS command line) - 2nd version - dosbatcmd.uew
      • DOS/NT Batch - dosntbatch.uew
      • NT Commands - 4dos4nt.uew
      • UE Batch Command - UEBatchCmd.uew
      On GitHub of IDM Computer Solutions in wordfiles repository there is even one more old wordfile for batch files: batcom.uew.

      It would be best that somebody with lots of free time opens Windows Commands (Microsoft) and An A-Z Index of Windows CMD  commands (SS64) and copies all commands and all named options of those commands well grouped into a wordfile which replaces all of the existing wordfiles. All of the existing wordfiles can be definitely improved. I use for myself a wordfile which makes a quite good job for syntax highlighting of my batch files, but the list of commands and parameters is also far away from being complete.

      But let us look on dosbatcmd.uew.

      The second line is:

      Code: Select all

      /Delimiters = ~!@%^&*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> ,       .?
      The multiple spaces between comma and dot should be a horizontal tab character instead of multiple spaces. That's the reason why a tab is not recognized as word delimiter and the explanation why syntax highlighting for words with a tab before or after are not highlighted at all.

      An updated dosbatcmd.uew is available in the meantime from wordfiles download page as well as from wordfiles repository on GitHub.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria