
Multiple attributes not highlighted

Multiple attributes not highlighted

Basic UserBasic User

    Nov 23, 2004#1

    I'm sure this is a simple configuration problem, but it's driving me crazy. I'm running UE 10.20c on WinXP. Only the first attribute within each HTML tag is highlighted, the following ones aren't. The attribute case doesn't matter. What do I have set incorrectly? Thanks for the help!

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 24, 2004#2

      I think, such a configuration is not possible. If only the first attribut is highlighted, then the others are not specified correct. Give us an html example and post also the language (/Lx"HTML") and delimiters (/Delimiters) definition lines from the wordfile for syntax highlighting (Wordfile.txt in UE directory per default).
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Nov 29, 2004#3

        Thanks for the help. Here is a simple bit of HTML. The word "target" is not red though "href" is. The text from the first "=" following "href" through the last quote mark before the closing ">" is all green.

        <title>My Page Title</title>
        <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
        <h1>This is h1 text.</h1>
        <a href="somefile.html" target="_blank">Anchor text</a>

        The language block from wordfile.txt:

        /L3"HTML 4.01" Nocase Noquote HTML_LANG Block Comment On = <!-- Block Comment Off = --> Block Comment On Alt = =" Block Comment Off Alt = > String Chars = " File Extensions = HTM HTML ASP SHTML HTT HTX JSP
        /Delimiters = ~!@$%^&*()+=|\{}[];"'<> , .?
        /Function String = "name=*">"


          Nov 29, 2004#4

          The 'Block Comment On Alt = =" Block Comment Off Alt = >' settings are what is causing anything beteween '="' and '>' to be shown as green highlights.

          I'm also curious as to why there is a ' String Chars = "' statement. Isn't this redundant since the default string character is already the quote mark.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Nov 29, 2004#5

            Thanks for the help, fbuck. I downloaded the HTML portion from an HTML-specific wordfile on this (the IDM) site. I'll take a close look at it.


              Nov 29, 2004#6

              I changed the Block Comment On Alt and Off Alt characters to /* and */, respectively. So far, so good. I've set the string colors within the Advanced>Configuration panel, but my strings within the tags aren't showing up in that color. I can force the string character (double quote) to display in a specific color, but not the characters within the string. What am I missing?

              Thank you all for your help on these very basic questions.

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Nov 30, 2004#7

                String Chars = is ignored because of the Noquote keyword in the language definition line. Delete it and strings will be highlighted as you expect.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Basic UserBasic User

                  Nov 30, 2004#8

                  Awesome, Mofi! Thanks so much for the hand-holding!!!!

                  Mary - in cold, cold Utah