Dear Sir/Madam,
My wordfile.txt is this:
/L1"Test" Test_LANG File Extensions = x
/Open Fold Strings = "$if"
/Close Fold Strings = "$fi"
/L2"Visual Basic"...
fold/unfold DOES NOT work with this code:
fold/unfold DOES work with this code (" before echo deleted):
What I am missing in configuration ?
My wordfile.txt is this:
/L1"Test" Test_LANG File Extensions = x
/Open Fold Strings = "$if"
/Close Fold Strings = "$fi"
/L2"Visual Basic"...
fold/unfold DOES NOT work with this code:
Code: Select all
$if $data_synonym == ""
$let $d1row = "echo "<TD><INPUT NAME=\"PAR$counter\""
$let $dbstemp = "0"
$if $db_where_func == "=" $len 1,1
$let $dbstemp = "1"
Code: Select all
$if $data_synonym == ""
$let $d1row = echo "<TD><INPUT NAME=\"PAR$counter\""
$let $dbstemp = "0"
$if $db_where_func == "=" $len 1,1
$let $dbstemp = "1"