Visual Studio 2015 Integration

Visual Studio 2015 Integration


    Nov 10, 2015#1

    I tried to search the forum for this first, so please forgive if this is a duplicate.

    I want to use UltraCompare for Merge and Diff functions in Visual Studio. I know there is a way to configure an external diff tool is VS15:

    Has anyone had success doing this for UltraCompare? If so, would you be willing to post the command line configuration that worked for you?

    IDM Staff: Automatic wire-up to Visual Studio would be a nice feature in the future :)

    Dave Gerding

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 10, 2015#2

      In program files folder of UltraCompare Professional there is the help file uc.chm which is not up-to-date, but still contains an up-to-date Command Line Options page which can be opened via Contents - Getting Started - Command Line Options. This old help can be also opened from within UltraCompare by opening Session - Session Properties and clicking on button Help or pressing key F1.

      Menu item Index in menu Help opens start page of UltraCompare online help.

      For comparing 2 text files the following arguments list may work:

      Code: Select all

      -t %1 %2 -title1 %6 -title2 %7
      You might want to prepend (or append) additional options like -B to ignore blank lines or -b to ignore spaces and tabs to list here just 2 of several possible options

      For a standard 2 files merge operation the arguments are:

      Code: Select all

      -t %1 %2 -title1 %6 -title2 %7 -o %4
      For comparing 3 text files use:

      Code: Select all

      -3 %1 %3 %2 -title1 %6 -title2 %8 -title3 %7
      With this order the base file is in the middle and the derived file 1 is on left side and derived file 2 on right side. It is of course up to you where you want the base file. It can be also on left side or on right side depending on arguments order as you can see below on 3 files merge arguments list.

      For a 3 files merge operation the arguments are:

      Code: Select all

      -3 %1 %2 %3 -title1 %6 -title2 %7 -title3 %8 -o %4
      You could use for a 2 files merge operation also the read only merge mode. In this mode the output file is displayed on left side being initially a copy of first file specified on command line. The second file is displayed on right side. The output file on left side is the only file which can be modified. Second file on right side is read-only as well as not displayed first file.

      Code: Select all

      -rom %1 %2 %4 -title1 %9 -title2 %7
      Note: I have not tested anything written here with Visual Studio. So please report back any mistake I made and I will correct this post.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria