
Want to open UltraEdit to edit webpage from Firefox?

Want to open UltraEdit to edit webpage from Firefox?


    Feb 03, 2014#1

    I'm sure this is simple but it's beyond me.

    I know there are a million ways to do this.

    I'm working on a website.

    I'm in Firefox at this website: www19.[mycompany].com/about/index.html

    I find an error. I need to edit the page in UltraEdit.

    I would like to either
    a) have a button in Firefox that just opens UltraEdit to this page.
    b) copy the url to my clipboard and then click a button to open this page in UltraEdit.

    The trick is that
    really maps to:

    I had an AutoHotkey script once that someone wrote for me but it doesn't work anymore and they are gone.
    Any suggestions?


    Basic UserBasic User

      Feb 10, 2014#2

      This isn't really a script issue...more a user tool issue.

      Anyways you should be able to create a User Tool and use one of the following:

      Code: Select all

      start /max %modify%
      start /max %sel%
      start /max %sel%%n%e
      The above will start the webpage in the system default browser...you can of course modify it to launch certain browsers.

      Now the first version will prompt you to enter the URL you wish to go to...very ugly and rather slow.

      The second one assumes you have all of the url selected from a comment or some such.
      The third assumes you have the general path selected, and only need the name and extension passed...which UltraEdit will do for you.
      Here are a few examples launching different browsers:

      Code: Select all

      start /max iexplore %sel%%n%e
      start /max firefox %sel%%n%e
      start /max opera %sel%%n%e
      start /max chrome %sel%%n%e

      Grand MasterGrand Master

        Feb 11, 2014#3

        From what I have understood from the request, you user tools, Nologic, are not what jctivo wants. He does not want to open the current file in UltraEdit in Firefox or open the public URL of the local file.

        jctivo is navigating with Firefox on his own website using the public WWW server and reading the pages online. When he finds a mistake, he wants in Firefox execute a script, tool, plugin, ... by toolbar icon, hotkey, ... which opens in UltraEdit the local copy of the file on the server currently viewing in Firefox.

        So jctivo wants a Firefox plugin/script/tool and not an UltraEdit script/tool. The request of jctivo should be posted better in a Firefox forum (or an AutoIt forum).
        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

        Basic UserBasic User

          Feb 11, 2014#4

          ahh I do see that I misunderstood.

          Well chances are that the "Web Developer" plugin for Firefox likely has this covered.

          Past that...could do it, if he copied the url into memory, then run AutoIt against it, to do the required pruning and appending to hand it off to UE.

          Else paste the url into UE, select it and run DOS commands against it in much the same way as AutoIt before handing it off to UE.

          However this is all stuff triggered from UE...I have no clue as to doing it from Firefox directly.

          Actually maybe this plugin might do the job.

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Feb 12, 2014#5

            Nologic, after reading your second post, I had an idea.

            If the user copies the URL to Windows clipboard and switch with Alt+Tab to UltraEdit, he could execute by hotkey or with any other method for running an UltraEdit script following UE script:

            Code: Select all

            var sMyUrl = "www19.[mycompany].com";
            if (UltraEdit.clipboardContent.substr(0,sMyUrl.length) == sMyUrl)
               var sFileToOpen = "p:\\web\\www19\\htdocs\\"+UltraEdit.clipboardContent.substr(sMyUrl.length+1);
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

            Basic UserBasic User

              Feb 12, 2014#6

              Nice work Mofi, that should be a good workaround for him. :)


                Feb 21, 2014#7

                Thanks for the advice, I will give the last suggestion a try.


                  May 18, 2014#8

                  Firefox, like most browsers has a "View Source" setting where you can set UE as your "viewer".

                  Type "about:config" in the address bar. Acknowledge warning.
                  Type "view_source" in the search box.
                  Double click on  "view_source.editor.external" to turn "false" to "true".
                  Double click on "view_source.editor.path" and enter path to UE, something like "C:\Program Files\UltraEdit\Uedit32.exe"

                  That's it. Now hitting Ctrl+U on any page will bring the cached version of that page up in UE. When you want to save it you'll have to navigate to the proper "p:\web" subfolder. 

                  Also, I do AutoHotkey programming and would be glad to take a look at your script to see if I can fix it for you if you want. Should be fairly simple.