I suggest first trying another printer like a PDF or XPS writer (pseudo-printer) and see if that makes a difference. That should help to identify if the problem is caused by the printer and not by UltraEdit or the file contents.
Second, open the same file in Windows Notepad and print the file. That should help to identify if the problem is definitely not caused by the printer but by UltraEdit or the file contents.
Third, open a different file in UltraEdit or Windows Notepad, print it, and see if the first line is printed as expected with that file. The cause of the problem is the file if printing a different file works with first line also printed.
Fourth, click in ribbon mode on first tab
File in submenu
Print in submenu
Print setup on the menu item
Page setup and check the settings. Make a screen shot of the dialog window
Page Setup (with Alt+PrtSc), save the screen shot as PNG image file and upload the PNG file as attachment to your next post.
Fifth, toggle on HEX edit mode by pressing
Ctrl+H and view the bytes of the first line with looking also on the ASCII representation on right side. Are there bytes at top which are displayed with a dot (control characters) or non-ASCII characters other than 09 (horizontal tab), 0A (line-feed), 0D (carriage return)? Yes what are their hexadecimal bytes values? Is there 0C (form-feed) in the byte stream of the file? Does the first two lines of the file not contain confidential data? Yes, please create a copy of the file, delete all lines with exception of the first two lines, save the modified copy, test if printing or just print previewing the modified copy still results in first line not printed/displayed, and upload the file as an attachment to your next post.
Do you use a HP All-in-one printer? Yes, the information in the posts of topic
HP All-in-one C310 Printer prints first line of text off the top of the page is perhaps helpful.