What is the HTML Tidy configuration text file for?

What is the HTML Tidy configuration text file for?

Basic UserBasic User

    Mar 19, 2006#1

    Does it have a purpose? If one isn't selected, Tidy fails. If I just make an empty text file someplace and select it, Tidy runs fine, but what is the point of the exercise? It's still empty when I'm done. The help file is less than illuminating on the subject.

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Mar 19, 2006#2

      UltraEdit supports HTML Tidy since v8.00. The Tidy options could be only set by creating a Tidy config file manually and also manually adding this config file to following entry in the uedit32.ini (example) prior UltraEdit  v11.00:

      Html Tidy Config File=C:\Programs\UltraEd\Config\Htmltidy.cfg

      I have for example following settings in this file:

      doctype: auto
      tidy-mark: no
      wrap: 125
      quiet: yes

      This HTML Tidy support uses the DLL Htmltidy.dll which must be downloaded from world wide web and copied by the user itself to the program directory of UltraEdit. This HTML Tidy support is not present anymore in a menu since UltraEdit v11.00, but can still be used with a hotkey which must be assigned to command FormatHtmlTidy in the key mapping configuration dialog.

      IDM improved the HTML Tidy support with UltraEdit v11.00. Now HTML Tidy is installed and updated with an UltraEdit install/update because the code is now in the DLL tidylib.dll in the UltraEdit program files directory and this DLL is also in the UE install setup package.

      This second HTML Tidy support is executed by clicking on menu item Run HTML Tidy in menu Format in submenu HTML Validation or the appropriate toolbar button.

      Most options of HTML Tidy can be set directly within UltraEdit in a dialog since v11.00. These options are saved in uedit32.ini at section [HTMLTidyOptions]. These HTML Tidy options are used on every HTML Tidy execution if you do not specify a HTML Tidy configuration file.

      It is possible to optionally specify a HTML Tidy configuration file in the dialog. This file must be created manually using the HTML Tidy documentation. The HTML Tidy options stored in INI file of UltraEdit are ignored on using a manually created HTML Tidy configuration file.

      With such a configuration file you can specify all HTML Tidy options. For example the quiet option from my example above is not available in the HTML Tidy options dialog of UltraEdit. If you specify a HTML Tidy configuration dialog in the HTML Tidy dialog, this specification is saved in uedit32.ini as follows:


      A second advantage of using a HTML Tidy configuration file is that you can create several configuration files with different settings. Then you can easily switch to a different set of HTML Tidy options by simply selecting a different configuration file. That could be useful in case of HTML files for various websites need different configurations on usage of HTML Tidy depending on website.

      If you have UltraEdit v11.00 or higher you can choose between the "old" Tidy support with the Htmltidy.dll or the "new" one with the Tidy dialog and the tidylib.dll. You can also use both simultaneously.

      For details about the Tidy configuration file read as help of UltraEdit already suggests the HTML Tidy Quick Reference and also the full HTML Tidy Manual.

      Edited on 2006-10-29: With UltraEdit v12.20 and UEStudio v6.00 the key mapping configuration dialog has bee modified to support multi-key assignments (chords). On first start of UE/UES after an upgrade the existing *.kbd file is converted to an equivalent *.uek file.

      In the new key mapping configuration dialog the command FormatHtmlTidy is not associated anymore internally to the HTML Tidy support with Htmltidy.dll. It's now assigned to the new HTML Tidy command available also in the Format menu.

      An existing key assignment in the *.kbd file for the support for Htmltidy.dll is nevertheless still working in the converted *.uek file because it is still assigned to internal command ID named ID_HTMLTIDY. So be careful if you want to use still the first method like I. Do not destroy your converted *.uek file or reassign the hotkey for ID_HTMLTIDY by mistake to a different command.

      I have sent a request email to IDM that the developers should add a command with small description for ID_HTMLTIDY so users like I who want to continue to use the Htmltidy.dll version can assign a hotkey for the command in the new key mapping configuration dialog.

      Edited on 2007-06-13: And IDM meets my wish and implemented the command RunHTMLTidy in the key mapping configuration dialog of UltraEdit v13.10 and UEStudio v6.30 to be able to assign a hotkey to fast execute HTML Tidy with Htmltidy.dll as I still like it. Thanks IDM!

      Edited on 2010-05-27: The file tidylib.dll is named idm_tidylib.dll since UltraEdit for Windows v16.10 respectively UEStudio v10.00 to avoid problems with other applications also using tidylib.dll and having this file registered as shared DLL for usage by any application and not only the application which installed it.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

      Basic UserBasic User

        Mar 19, 2006#3

        Thank you for the patient reply.


          Jun 10, 2006#4

          Where do I actually download the configuration file? I visited the HTML Tidy website, but it was a bit confusing.

          Grand MasterGrand Master

            Jun 11, 2006#5

            You can't download an HTML Tidy configuration file. You have to create it manually with a text editor like UltraEdit. The HTML documentation only describes which settings are possible in this configuration file and which effect they have. It is a documentation and not a config file. HTML Tidy has no GUI where you can click on configuration options and the appropriate actions are done to save it in a text file (INI file) like a Windows GUI application normally does. You must enter character for character in the configuration file manually as in old DOS days.

            At http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/ you can see a sample config file which maybe can help you to start.
            Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

            Basic UserBasic User

              Sep 08, 2017#6

              Why can't the editor create it automatically?

              Grand MasterGrand Master

                Sep 09, 2017#7

                Why should UltraEdit become an HTML Tidy configuration file creation and editing tool?

                UltraEdit is designed as a very powerful general text editor. It is not designed to be an HTML Tidy configuration file creation and editing tool.

                UltraEdit stores the HTML Tidy options in INI file of UltraEdit using the same code as for all other settings in its INI file. The DLL contains functions directly called by UltraEdit with the appropriate function parameters.

                A feature to export HTML Tidy options to a valid HTML Tidy configuration file would require extra code which must be written, tested and in future updated and tested again on updating to a new version of HTML Tidy. What do you think how many UltraEdit users would like to have an export HTML Tidy options feature? Two users from two millions of UltraEdit users?

                V@no, if you have time for writing a Windows GUI application for reading HTML Tidy options from an HTML Tidy configuration file, present them in a nice and easy to use GUI window for modification and save the presented options into an HTML Tidy configuration file, please feel free to code this application and make it public. I'm quite sure the HTML Tidy users community would welcome your application. But I am also sure that nobody would pay for it. So better design the application as open source or freeware application from the beginning.
                Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                Basic UserBasic User

                  Sep 26, 2017#8

                  Mofi wrote:Why should UltraEdit become an HTML Tidy configuration file creation and editing tool?
                  HTML Tidy comes with the editor, it's not external software user needs to install. Why shouldn't UE include the configuration for the features it comes with? I'm not talking about GUI, I'm talking about basic config file which allow to use the tool without need of Google assistance. What kind of logic is this?

                  Grand MasterGrand Master

                    Sep 27, 2017#9

                    V@no, what are you talking about?

                    No UltraEdit user has to create an HTML Tidy configuration file to make use of HTML Tidy since UltraEdit for Windows v11.00 released March 2006.

                    Every user can simply open an HTML or XHTML file in UltraEdit, click in menu Format in submenu HTML Validation on menu item Run HTML Tidy with using toolbar/menu mode with traditional menus. Then the UltraEdit user can simply click on button Parse and that is it. Or the user first clicks on Options and configure HTML Tidy with a dialog. These options are stored by UltraEdit in its INI file and used on every future execution of HTML Tidy from within UltraEdit using Run HTML Tidy.

                    The field Configuration file can be empty. It is an option to use an HTML Tidy configuration file instead of the default options or the options configured after a click on button Options. Nobody must create an HTML Tidy configuration file. I thought this is clear for everyone. Please read my first post on this topic again carefully. I have explained that the usage of a configuration file is optional and what are the benefits on using a manually created HTML Tidy configuration file instead of the HTML Tidy options configured in Options dialog.

                    Pressing key F1 after opening HTML Tidy dialog or the HTML Tidy - Options dialog opens the help page for these two dialogs. The tooltip displayed on keeping the mouse pointer a second over an option in HTML Tidy - Options dialog explains briefly what the HTML Tidy option below mouse pointer is for.
                    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                    Power UserPower User

                      Nov 20, 2017#10

                      To refresh the old postings above from 2006:

                      - in my installation of current UE I have a idm_tidylib.dll from 23.10.2017
                      - the download of current Tidy 5.4.0 win 64 has a tidy.dll from 01.03.2017

                      What to do? At the moment my "generated tidy document" is empty.
                      UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro

                      Grand MasterGrand Master

                        Nov 20, 2017#11

                        Please ignore on comparing versions of libraries and executables:
                        1. the file dates which can be modified at any time,
                        2. the compilation time stored inside libraries and executables by Visual C++ compiler.
                        Both don't give any information about version of the source code compiled to library or executable.

                        idm_tidylib.dll as installed with UltraEdit v24.20.0.44 is based on HTML Tidy sources version 5.0.0.RC1 from 2015/06/30.
                        This version information and this date are stored inside the file and are definitely from strings of a source file.

                        It looks like HTML Tidy development is active again according to new Tidy website and Tidy GitHub repository.

                        You can backup idm_tidylib.dll as installed with UltraEdit and try if the newer version of HTML Tidy put into program files directory of UltraEdit and renamed to idm_tidylib.dll is compatible with UltraEdit. I don't know it. And I also don't know if an update to sources of latest official released version of HTML Tidy is planned by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc. to get with next major release of UltraEdit/UEStudio a newer version of idm_tidylib.dll installed which is definitely compatible with UltraEdit and UEStudio.

                        We – the UltraEdit and UEStudio users – would need following data to be able to help you on the issue getting an empty generated tidy document:
                        1. The parsed file compressed for example into a ZIP or RAR archive file and uploaded as attachment to your next post.
                        2. The used HTML configuration:
                          • The HTML Tidy config file compressed into the same ZIP or RAR archive file as the parsed file if there is one used at all.
                          • The entire section [HTMLTidyOptions] in uedit32u.ini or uedit64u.ini copied into a text file and compressed into the same ZIP or RAR archive file as the parsed file if no HTML Tidy config file is used as by default.
                        3. The information if the option Generate "tidy" document is checked at all in HTML Tidy dialog.
                        4. The exact version of used UltraEdit/UEStudio as displayed in About dialog and which can be copied from this dialog including the information about architecture (32- or 64-bit version).
                        Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria

                        Power UserPower User

                          Dec 11, 2017#12

                          Peter wrote:....
                          - in my installation of current UE I have a idm_tidylib.dll from 23.10.2017
                          Thanks Mofi
                          in the meantime I downgraded to, and now it runs fine again. So at the moment no further action is needed.
                          UE German / Win 10 x 64 Pro