
what is your set of macro?

what is your set of macro?


    Jun 29, 2005#1

    hello all,

    I am curious, i'd like to know what kind of macro you use...
    It'll be interressting to share what's make us working more efficiently...

    I use UE essentialy for web devellopement (php, xhtml, css, js)
    • a href : transform selected text into a complete <a ...>...</a>
    • mailto : like previous, with mailto:
    • guillemet : transform all " into ' in selection
    • accents : change all accentued chars in page into HTML char code
    • nb2sp : transform all space into nbsp; in selection
    • stripslashes : "escape" all double quote in selection
    • tagIt : transform selection into tag : ie: para become <para></para>
    and you ?

    Basic UserBasic User

      Jun 30, 2005#2

      Hi, neekolo. Mine are similar to yours, along with a few for special text file stripping. There are a *ton* of users who have some truly magnificent macros...mine rarely are more than 20 lines in length. Keep up the good work!