I'm exploring some new features of the current version
I liked some hints that show up after some actions took.
When I joined two lines, soon the associated hint jumped up on my screen, remembering that I can use CTRL-J to do what I did.
I dismissed that hint.
But, later, I would like to view some more hints like that one.
Where to invoke them?
I couldn't find where.
Not even in Help topics (there is no such thing like 'hints').
At Help menu there is an entry to turn on and off. Not to immediate show.
Another hint told me that CTRL-, (comma) would select all words under caret.
I tried it and saw that it worked fine. Nice!
When I did the same action in another file, Ultra Edit refused to do that with this message:
Cannot handle a small file with just 490 kb?
I must doing wrong.
I'm exploring some new features of the current version
I liked some hints that show up after some actions took.
When I joined two lines, soon the associated hint jumped up on my screen, remembering that I can use CTRL-J to do what I did.
I dismissed that hint.
But, later, I would like to view some more hints like that one.
Where to invoke them?
I couldn't find where.
Not even in Help topics (there is no such thing like 'hints').
At Help menu there is an entry to turn on and off. Not to immediate show.
Another hint told me that CTRL-, (comma) would select all words under caret.
I tried it and saw that it worked fine. Nice!
When I did the same action in another file, Ultra Edit refused to do that with this message:
Cannot handle a small file with just 490 kb?
I must doing wrong.