
Which methods exist to close a file and to close UltraEdit / UEStudio on Windows?

Which methods exist to close a file and to close UltraEdit / UEStudio on Windows?

Grand MasterGrand Master

    Feb 13, 2016#1

    The methods for closing a file opened in UltraEdit for Windows or UEStudio are:
    1. File - Close with default hotkey Ctrl+F4.
    2. A file can be closed by double clicking with primary mouse button on file's file tab except this feature is disabled at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tabs - Miscellaneous by having not checked Double-click tab will close file.
    3. A middle button click on a file tab can also close a file if this feature is enabled as by default at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tabs - Miscellaneous by having checked Middle-button-click will close file.
    4. A primary mouse button click on X symbol on file tab closes also a file if this feature is enabled at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tabs- Operation with Close Tab Button not set to None or On tab bar.
    5. A primary mouse button click on X symbol on tabs bar with using Not Dockable file tabs of type Single line - drop down file list and On tab bar chosen for Close tab button at Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tabs- Operation can be also used to close a file.
    6. A primary mouse button click on X symbol of document window (on main menu bar when document window is maximized) with using Dockable file tabs can be also used to close a file. This symbol does not exist with using Not Dockable file tabs bar.
    7. A primary mouse button click on X symbol on Open Files title bar can be also used to close active file if this feature is enabled Advanced - Configuration - Application Layout - File Tabs- Miscellaneous with having checked MDI close button closes active file (not file tabs).
    The methods for closing UltraEdit or UEStudio on Windows are:
    1. File - Exit with default hotkey Alt+F4 exits UltraEdit / UEStudio.
    2. A primary mouse button click on X symbol in title bar of main window of UltraEdit / UEStudio exits UltraEdit / UEStudio.
    3. A primary mouse button double click on UltraEdit / UEStudio icon on left side in title bar of main window of UltraEdit / UEStudio exits UltraEdit / UEStudio.
    4. A primary mouse button click on UltraEdit / UEStudio icon on left side in title bar of main window of UltraEdit / UEStudio and one more primary mouse button click on context menu item Close exits UltraEdit / UEStudio.
    5. A secondary mouse button click on title bar of main window of UltraEdit / UEStudio and a primary mouse button on context menu item Close exits UltraEdit / UEStudio.
    Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria