
Which Terminal Emulations are most needed?

Which Terminal Emulations are most needed?


    Nov 01, 2006#1

    I hope to be able to use UE to replace the external terminal client I now cut and paste scripts and occasionally output between. However, on first use I can't seem to work around a telnet login error: the session hangs with:

    Status: Connecting to @

    and I have to close and reopen UE in order to kill the session. I suspect the issue is that the system I am working on needs a specific oddball terminal emulation.

    I am starting this thread to provide IDM some feedback as to which terminal emulations are most needed.

    My vote: wyse60


      Nov 01, 2006#2

      Truth be told, I have no idea if Wyse is still in business or not - however, the Datatel system I'm connecting to thinks that it is...

      In theory, I should be able to use vt100 emulation as well, but I haven't been able to coax the logon process past the connection hang yet...

      Rich H
      Prairie State College, Chi

        Nov 01, 2006#3

        I just discovered that I had missed an upgrade to 12.20a . After installing 12.20a I was able to connect without a hitch.

        However, I believe the reason it was hanging is that I left the 'Terminal Type' blank. I set the 'Terminal Type' to 'wyse60' and Terminal Emulation to 'VT100' and BOOM! <= (madden-like intensity)

        Just started playing with it so we'll see how she runs!

        R the H, King of Chi