
Wordfile for todo list

Wordfile for todo list


    Oct 08, 2009#1


    I want to create one of the simplest word file possible ... but I face a problem, I have to highlight a word with spaces.

    This is what my todo list look like:

    [x] create a wordfile (task is done)
    [-] fix the space problem (working on that task)
    [ ] now its done go back to work (todo)

    The first [x] one works
    The other two [ ] [-] don't

    Here is my wordfile (tab is a placeholder for a tab character):

    /L14"Todo" Noquote Line Comment = # File Extensions = todo
    /Colors = 0,8421376,8421376,8421504,255,
    /Colors Back = 16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,
    /Colors Auto Back = 1,1,1,1,1,
    /Font Style = 0,0,0,0,0,
    /Delimiters = !@%^&*()+=|\/{}:;"'<> ,tab.?
    /C1"todo" Colors = 8388863 Colors Back = 16777215 Colors Auto Back = 1 Font Style = 0
    /C2"done" Colors = 16711680 Colors Back = 16777215 Colors Auto Back = 1 Font Style = 0
    /C3"working" Colors = 4542352 Colors Back = 16777215 Colors Auto Back = 1 Font Style = 0

    Does UltraEdit support that ?


    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Re: Wordfile for todo list ...

      Oct 09, 2009#2

      I have modified your post. Now it should work. Your main mistake was to add the characters - and ~ to the list of word delimiting characters. Also HTML_LANG was nonsense (deleted) as well as useless DisableMLS on wrong line (deleted) and useless STYLE_KEYWORD (deleted all). It is not possible to define words which include a space. So it is necessary to highlight [ and ] as individiual "words". But that should be no problem as long as you do not use [ and ] in the todo texts with delimiting characters left and right, too.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Re: Wordfile for todo list ...

        Oct 09, 2009#3

        All is good now, thank you !