
wordfile for wavemetrics igor 6.20

wordfile for wavemetrics igor 6.20


    Nov 04, 2010#1

    I am using UltraEdit 16.20.0 to work on the .ipf (igor procedure file) files. The characters is listed below:
    1. Including all igor operations, functions and keywords, according to the online reference file from Igor.
    2. The color scheme is closed to that used in Igor, while is little bit improved.
    3. Text folding feature for functions, loops, switch, strswitch, try and if. additionally, "block"-"endblock" pair is added as "user added" keyword to make large area text folding.
    4. Function list works OK.
    5. .ipf .pxp file extensions are added
    hope igor programmers can enjoy this !

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Nov 04, 2010#2

      I checked your wordfile with my 3 syntax tools macros and the result is the attached wordfile where some duplicate and invalid word definitions have been removed. I also modified the function strings slightly. a-zA-Z in a square bracket can be replaced by just a-z because function string searches are always not case sensitive and therefore a-z also matches uppercase letters.

      The wordfile still contains the color settings although usually public wordfiles should not have color settings because the color settings for a syntax highlighting language must in general match to the general color settings of the editor.
      igor.zip (5.39 KiB)   185
      Contains the corrected wordfile for igor 6.20.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria