
XML capabilities for UltraEdit

XML capabilities for UltraEdit


    Dec 02, 2004#1

    I would like to see Uedit support XML more than just treat it as a text file, including userfriendly Xpath, search on XML Files content, binary/content/tag/value/structure compare, edit, copy and all fancy actions you can think of on XML Files.

    I want it to be inside UltraEdit and I hope you will not make it another product and call it UltraEditX. :o


      Mar 24, 2005#2

      I second this motion. The files I edit are increasingly xml, and now well over half of all text editing I do is xml. As much as I love Ultraedit, it is becoming increasingly hard to justify using a tool that can't even check for well-formedness.


        Apr 02, 2005#3

        Add me to that list, XML is the future.


          Apr 25, 2005#4

          This is distressing. For all its worth, it can't handle XML. Now I have to find something else. I agree, it should be in here. I wonder if JEdit has it.

          I've use UltraEdit for years, but it needs XML support now.

          Basic UserBasic User

            Apr 26, 2005#5

            Make sure you get your wants/needs known by IDM. Send a message to [email protected] and let them know. In the meantime, is there an external tool for XML (in the same vein as HTMLTidy) you can set up as a tool in UE?

            Basic UserBasic User

              Apr 27, 2005#6

              Vote me in, too. XML is where I'm at most of the day, too.

              Advanced UserAdvanced User

                Apr 27, 2005#7

                It seems to me that this sort of functionality (checking for well-formedness) shouldn't be part of a text editor, but a separate tool. It could be integrated like Artistic Style (for formatting C and Java) though. Personally I still use Astyle from a macro as I haven't upgraded to version 11 yet. This sort of functionality might be a better fit for an IDE like UE Studio though.


                  May 21, 2005#8

                  I have just started evaluating UltraEdit .. comparing with other editors ..

                  I am interested in XML file editing/validation.

                  Here is an XML validation tool which works on UltraEdit .. useful for validating XML files against dtd files

                  Here is one general discussion on this ..


                  To setup xerces in UltraEdit

                  (1) First, download xerces-J-bin


                  (2) Place into c:\xerces-2_6_2

                  (3) Create validate.bat file (see code below) and place in

                  Code: Select all

                  @ECHO off
                  java -cp c:\xerces-2_6_2\xercesImpl.jar;
                  %CLASSPATH%  dom/Counter -v %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
                  Note: The above has been word-wrapped for display in this thread.
                  But the code should all be in one line (not wrapped) in the validate.bat file.

                  (4) Go to UltraEdit > Advanced > Tool Configuration > Add Tool

                  Command Line: C:\xerces-2_6_2\validate.bat %F
                  Working Directory: blank
                  Menu Item Name: XML validate

                  Command Output (DOS Commands)

                  Save Active File: tick
                  Output to List Box: tick
                  Capture Output: tick


                  No Replace: tick

                  (5) Note that "Capture output" box is ticked to ensure that results echo back to Output Window.

                  (6) In any XML file to be validated ensure that there is a path to the DTD file in file header ..

                  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
                  <!DOCTYPE ............ .dtd">

                  (7) Enable ..... View > Views/Lists > Output Window

                  Now XML validate tool (Xerces) can be applied to any XML file open in UltraEdit window.

                  just click on the XML validate user tool icon .. or Advanced > XML validate

                  Validation results are returned and displayed in Output Window.


                    May 22, 2005#9

                    Further notes on using xerces as User Tool functions in UltraEdit:-

                    If the CLASSPATH in environment is edited (Control Panel > Advanced > Environment)
                    to include the paths to the xerces jars, the *.bat scripts (called as User Tools) can be shorter.

                    e.g. add these three jars to CLASSPATH


                    reboot your PC ..

                    and the validate.bat script can now simply be this ..

                    Code: Select all

                    @ECHO off
                    java  dom/Counter -v %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
                    I have created a new "scripts" folder in c:\xerces-2_6_2\scripts\

                    in here I placed validate.bat (the shorter version now that I have set the CLASSPATH).

                    and I started adding new scripts (*.bat files) which can be UltraEdit tools.

                    Example: treewalker.bat

                    Code: Select all

                    @ECHO off
                    java  dom/traversal/TreeWalkerView %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
                    and a new Tool configured thus ..

                    Command Line: C:\xerces-2_6_2\scripts\treewalker.bat %F
                    Working Directory: blank
                    Menu Item Name: XML treewalkerview

                    launches the TreeWalker (external java window - not embedded in UltraEdit) for the XML document open in UltraEdit.


                    Now start using the other features in xerces samples folder to add User Tools to extend XML processing.

                    e.g. create treeviewer.bat

                    Code: Select all

                    @ECHO off
                    java  ui/TreeViewer %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8