Can a single UEStudio TXT file have multiple pages with tabs?

Can a single UEStudio TXT file have multiple pages with tabs?


    Jun 13, 2018#1

    I know how to create a project consisting of multiple UEStudio TXT files.

    QUESTION: Does UEStudio allow multiple 'pages' within a single TXT file, each with its own tab?

    I'm thinking of Excel, where the one workbook can have multiple spreadsheets each its own tab.

    My reason is that when I am using UEStudio just to keep notes about things, having separate pages within the one file would help my organization and be far less elaborate than setting up a project. For example, a single 'finance' file could have separate pages for tax, travel expenses, household bill, computer payments, ...

    I expect not, because that would undermine the fundamental architecture of UEStudio as a text editor, but it's always worth asking. Perhaps it is a 'feature request' that has already been made?

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Jun 13, 2018#2

      A text file contains just bytes representing characters and nothing else (with exception of byte order mark on Unicode encoded text file at top not displayed). It is not possible to save into a text file other information as in a binary Excel file.

      I suggest to use a single notes text file, "page" it by using named bookmarks, open Bookmark viewer view and dock it to left or right side with auto-hide option enabled. Then you can use the bookmarks and bookmark viewer to quickly navigate within the "pages" in the text file. Of course you have to enable saving bookmarks at Advanced - Settings or Configuration - Editor - Bookmarks.

      Another possibility is creating a syntax highlighting file (financial_notes.uew) in %APPDATA%\IDMComp\UEStudio\wordfiles for example with following content:

      /L20"Financial notes" Noquote File Names = financial_notes.txt
      /Function String = "%#page ^(*^)$"
      /Delimiters = tab
      /Open Fold Strings = "#page"
      /Close Fold Strings = "#page"

      Please note that the line starting with /Delimiters = contains after the equal sign a mandatory space, next a horizontal tab character represented here by tab and last one more space character.

      Then the file with name financial_notes.txt stored in any directory is searched by UltraEdit for lines starting with #page and lists in Function list view those lines without #page. So the function list is a "page" list.

      Example content of financial_notes.txt:

      #page My notes about ...

      Whatever you want.

      #page Other notes

      Again whatever you want.

      #page End of financial notes

      The function list shows for that file sorted alphabetically on having Sort list option in context menu of Function list view enabled:

      End of financial notes
      My notes about ...
      Other notes

      The function list shows for that file not sorted on having Sort list option in context menu of Function list view not enabled:

      My notes about ...
      Other notes
      End of financial notes

      The code folding feature makes it additionally possible to fold from one page to next page or fold all pages and unfold just the page of current interest.

      I suggest to open Manage Themes dialog, select tab Syntax, select language Financial notes, set color for Numbers to same color as for Normal text and define a color for color group Page with font style bold enabled to get the keyword #page highlighted different to everything else in financial_notes.txt.

      Of course the syntax highlighting wordfile financial_notes.uew could be also use for other *_notes.txt files by specifying more file names at end of first line which can't contain a space character or wildcard characters. In this case I suggest to name the wordfile just notes.uew and the language in first line also just Notes.

      UEStudio makes it possible using Duplicate window to have same file opened in more than one document window each showing a different part of an opened file. But I think this is not so useful for managing notes than using a bookmark list or a syntax highlighted notes file with function list and code folding.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Jun 13, 2018#3

        Thank you very much, Mofi, for all that clear detail. I have now implemented the bookmarks solution, which I am embarrassed to say I did not think of. It takes very little trouble to set up in any TXT file.  

        I will read the details of the syntax-highlighting solution later --- it looks very promising, and seems as if it will have many more uses when I eventually master it.