Hi, all! I am trying to define a wordfile entry to handle syntax highlighting for Autosys jil files. These files contain comments and autosys jil commands. I started with some other wordfile entry and hacked at it a little, but now I have noticed that a single quote in the middle of a double quoted string stops all highlighting that follows. The actual string has an appostrophe in it like below:
"Developer's Report"
In other sections where strings are double quoted, there is never a problem, it just seems to be the single quote in there that is throwing things off.
Below is a sample of code to be highlighted followed by my wordfile entry. Any suggestions to my wordfile entry would be greatly appreciated!
Wordfile entry:
Since I copied the wordfile entry from some other place, I know there are things in there that I do not need. Feel free to suggest parts that I am not using based on the example code I posted (such as function definition - this jil code does not use functions...).
"Developer's Report"
In other sections where strings are double quoted, there is never a problem, it just seems to be the single quote in there that is throwing things off.
Below is a sample of code to be highlighted followed by my wordfile entry. Any suggestions to my wordfile entry would be greatly appreciated!
Code: Select all
/* ----------------- odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.060 ----------------- */
insert_job: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.060 job_type: c
box_name: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000
command: $QUEUE_DIR/jobs/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.060 tocus3d3 E
machine: testcm2
#owner: queue@testcm2
permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me
condition: success(odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.040)
description: "Inactivate Messages"
std_out_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
std_err_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
alarm_if_fail: 1
profile: /parms.sh
/* ----------------- odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.070 ----------------- */
insert_job: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.070 job_type: c
box_name: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000
command: $QUEUE_DIR/jobs/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.070 tocus3d3 E
machine: testcm2
#owner: queue@testcm2
permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me
condition: success(odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.040)
description: "Developer's Report"
std_out_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
std_err_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
alarm_if_fail: 1
profile: /parms.sh
/* ----------------- odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.080 ----------------- */
insert_job: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.080 job_type: c
box_name: odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000
command: $QUEUE_DIR/jobs/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.080 tocus3d3 E
machine: testcm2
#owner: queue@testcm2
permission: gx,ge,wx,we,mx,me
condition: success(odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.040)
description: "Cleanup Pend_Mergecnts_T"
std_out_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
std_err_file: $QUEUE_DIR/log/odm_WeekendCleanup.0010.000.log.$$ODM_CLEANUP_TMS
alarm_if_fail: 1
profile: /parms.sh
Code: Select all
/L20"JIL2" Line Comment = # Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = \ String Chars = ' File Extensions = JIL
/Delimiters = ~!@$%^*()+=/\[]{}:;"<>'´` , .?
/Indent Strings = "{("
/Unindent Strings = "})"
/Function String = "%[a-zA-Z_]*("
/Open Fold Strings = "insert_job:"
/Close Fold Strings = "profile:" "alarm_if_fail:"
delete_job delete_box description
permission profile
std_err_file std_out_file
/C2"Sched commands"
date_conditions days_of_week
start_times start_mins
/C3"Term Indicators"
gx ge
mx me
wx we
- Chris
Living in Florida is like being on vacation all the time!
Living in Florida is like being on vacation all the time!