
How to customize the bracket-highlighting ?

How to customize the bracket-highlighting ?


Sep 11, 2005#1

I have downloaded the trial version of UEStudio und have started the testing. Unfortunately the bracket highlighting are (against the UE 10.x version) to bright. I can't see the matched bracket before searching round and round the code, because the color is waste (to bright).

How can I change the bracket highlight color back to the traditional deep blue?


Grand MasterGrand Master

Sep 11, 2005#2

Look at View - Set Colors and set the color for Brace Highlight. This setting and the color setting for Folding Background are new since UltraEdit v11.00.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


Sep 11, 2005#3

Ok. Thx. But i have now another problem with these highlighting.
If i select a bracket then the matching bracket will be highlighted. But the text-color of the highlighted bracket was to dark. Ok, then 1 changed the color "active line". No other color has effects of the text-color of selected bracket.

The problem is now, that all chars (without other keywords) also strings, identifire a.s.o. will draw the same text-color. Sry 4 my english, but i want the setting up the highlighting like UE10.x (I think this was the best.)
I need an option to change only the text-color for highlighted bracket or highlighted text and not all the text at selected line. Is this possible?

Grand MasterGrand Master

Sep 11, 2005#4

I think, we now have to clarify about what we are taking about.

Are we talking about the Search - Match Brace feature, which searches for next open/close and it's closing/opening bracket and selects the brackets and everything between this 2 brackets. The color setting for "Selected Text" and "Sel. Text Background" are used here.

Or are we talking about the Advanced - Configuration - Syntax Highlighting - Auto Brace Matching feature, which simply highlights only the bracket, which belongs to the bracket where the cursor is currently positioned.

I spent about 6 hours some years ago until I have found the color setting, which was best for me. I post here (again) my color settings like they are stored in the ini-file. Maybe this helps you and also someone else to find the best color set for yourself. Backup your ini-file (uedit32.ini) and then modify it with this settings to view my colors. I use the same color settings for all 20 languages.


[Language 1 Colors]
Colors Back=16777215,16777215,8454143,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,16777215,
Colors Auto Back=1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


Sep 11, 2005#5

I have test some more settings in UES and now the differnces to UE10.x loks like so:

1.) this is the UE10.x Highlinghting

Clear and precision highlighting.

2.) UE Studio - my current version

My view-colors - settings looks like this:

Now i search for the dialog who I can change the red color of the highlighted bracket to white color.

Edit: Sorry that the pictures wasn't seen for a while. I have fixed this problem.

Grand MasterGrand Master

Sep 12, 2005#6

I'm sorry, but I think, this is not possible.

Since v11.00 of UltraEdit and also for UEStudio the matching brace is highlighted always with the color of "Active Line" if it is at the current line or with the color of "Text" if it is on a different line. The additional setting for the background color of the matched brace is now the "highlighter".

On previous versions of UltraEdit the matching brace was simply selected, so the color setting for "Selected Text" was used for the matching brace.

Write an e-mail to IDM and ask for a compatibility setting for auto brace matching highlighting.
Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


Sep 12, 2005#7
