
Show/Hide Lines for Non Syntax-Highlighted Files

Show/Hide Lines for Non Syntax-Highlighted Files


    Feb 17, 2007#1

    I mainly use UltraEdit 12.20b as a fantastic text editor to write fiction and articles. Being able to hide sections of text is very helpful. It's something that's not as easily done in MSWord, but in UltraEdit, I can't seem to get the program to save all my hidden text so I can simply toggle them open and closed with the + and - indicators in the gutter.

    I'm trying to get it to fold non-syntax-highlighted text. I've got Save Bookmarks activated. I've got "Save Folded Lines" activated. I have all options activated in Configuration / Editor Display / Code Folding. I can hide text and then reveal it again, but when I reveal the text, the + disappears, but is not replaced by a -. To hide the same text again, I've got to reselect it and hide it with CTRL+Subtract.

    What am I missing?

    WinXP Home SP-2

    Grand MasterGrand Master

      Feb 17, 2007#2

      Damaeus wrote:What am I missing?
      Nothing! The option Save folded lines remembers only which lines are currently folded when you close the file. You don't need the option Save bookmarks anymore with UE v12.20b except you want really remember the bookmarks.

      UltraEdit does not remember which blocks of the files where at any time hidden before. It remembers only which blocks are currently hidden in a file. This is the reason why there is no + in the gutter after unhide a block. Only with syntax highlighting and the code folding engine UltraEdit can automatically suggest a block for folding/hiding.

      If you want hiding a selection on a non-syntax highlighted file more easily you could create a macro with a hot key which for example selects the current paragraph and hides it.
      Best regards from an UC/UE/UES for Windows user from Austria


        Feb 18, 2007#3

        Okay, thanks for the reply. I think the simplest thing for me would just be to use the Split Window view. I like to be able to scan back through the document without having to yo-yo back and forth to my editing place. So this would actually work perfectly.

        Thanks again. :)